
NumberBank 2.0 for Xcratch

An example extension for Xcratch

This extension add extra-blocks, that enables cloud associative arrays to save values from Scratch 3.0 projects to Firebase Cloud.

✨ What You Can Do With This Extension

Play Example Project to look at what you can do with “NumberBank” extension.

How to Use in Xcratch

This extension can be used with other extension in Xcratch.

  1. Open Xcratch Editor
  2. Click ‘Add Extension’ button
  3. Select ‘Extension Loader’ extension
  4. Type the module URL in the input field


Register on the local Xcratch

Run register script to install this extension on the local Xcratch for testing.

npm run register

Bundle into a Module

Run build script to bundle this extension into a module file which could be loaded on Xcratch.

npm run build

🏠 Home Page

Open this page from https://con3code.github.io/xcx-numberbank/

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.